English Reading Club


Notes Chapter 38: Family Summary & Analysis I’m failing PhD. After work, we got tired and expect family members to understand us. You should have strategy/tactics. Chapter 38 strangers and pilgrims Chapter 39 Summary & Analysis Chapter 40 Summary & Analysis while she is not the child her father hoped to raise, he is the father that raised the person she has become. Obligation Process to cut from her family
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Notes Chapter 36: Four Long Arms, Whirling Summary & Analysis Charles Do you have really good friends who understand more than you? Old friends know the one you was years ago Old friends don’t know your difficulties, My father saw God, but I saw graphite. I love you, but I’m can’t. Ritual Strong emotion. Avoid too childish. Chapter 37 Summary & Analysis
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Notes Chapter 34 Chapter 35 Next session Homework: Finish Ch36 - Ch38 Host Volunteer: Mia & Shuuka
Notes Chapter 30 Chapter 31 Chapter 32 Chapter 33 Next session Homework: Finish Ch34 - Ch35 Host Volunteer: Mia
Notes Chapter 25 Chapter 26 Chapter 27 Chapter 28 Chapter 29 Next session Homework: Finish Ch30 - Ch33 Host Volunteer: Jizu
Notes Chapter 22: What We Whispered and What We Screamed Summary and Analysis Shawn wanted to humiliate Tara in front of Charles Chapter 23: I’m From Idaho Summary and Analysis Ruby_Ridge Chapter 24 Summary and Analysis Next session Homework: Finish the chapter 29 Host Volunteer: Samatha & Mia Notes Charles didn’t stay for supper. He fled to his jeep and I didn’t hear from him for several hours, then he called and asked me to meet him at the church.
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Notes Chapter 17: To Keep it Holy She is in a totally new environment. Will you encourage your child to talk more in a new environment? As parents, we’d better not to choose friends for our child. inner peace and Japanese culture (躺平) Chapter 18: Blood and Feathers Summary & Analysis New friend: Vanessa Chapter 19: In the beginning Summary & Analysis Do you think Tara had some difficulties with her relationship with Charles?
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Notes Chapter 15 Summary & Analysis Tara’s mother: support her husband and support/protect her children Sympathy for her mother Mother quietly, urgently tells Tara that she shouldn’t “let anything stop [her] from going,” but as Dad’s footsteps approach the kitchen, Mother hurriedly turns back to her work. She has married the man, and that’s her faith. Divorce: maybe impossible at all Struggle between the husband and … Conflict between …, rational, very difficult to change Fatal?
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Notes Chapter 12 Fish Eyes Siddle Lister -> Fish Eyes Chapter 13 Chapter Summary Shawn is systematically attempting to break Tara down and exert control over her by diminishing and even demonizing her. PUA: pick-up and play with Shawn doesn’t know how to express his love to Tara. Shawn really care Tara. Instinct Sadie: not taking her seriously Shawn is violent, possessive, and vengeful.
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