English Reading Club

Crucial Conversations

Notes TODO: Check Shuuka’s MS Word document Fool’s Choice Dialog Start with easy Do me a favor Ice-breaker Free flow of relevant information First keep silent and listen carefully & attentively The boundary of the Pool of Shared Meaning? Special summary session with Chinese Next session Homework Oct 6, Chinese Host Volunteer Jizu
Notes 今天参加的同学: Shuuka, Mia, Loring, Fancy, Samantha, Hongyan, Cathy, Jenny, Aileen, Maggie, Irene, Jizu, Grace Zou See there is a squirrel! There is another book to teach us how to effective avoid some discussion with your family members. Next session Homework Ch? Host Volunteer foo bar
Notes Shuuka 1-1 talk KPI achieve salary with manager husband tiny quarrel don’t understand each other requirement frequent phone with mother-in-mother True purpose Why are you angry Step back, compromise Mia monthly 1-1 time worthy Practice makes perfect How about sudden crucial conversation Hongyan person you talked to is very important purpose, future How to speak persuasively, Semantha yearly SAP talk PCC Next session Homework: None Host Volunteer