Book 16 Practice Session 1
Files Xmind files on SharePoint
Take turns to represent yourself 1. Mia: SAP Learning Day Eat boiled eggs 2. Shuuka: to get a SAP certification In SAP, you can take for free SAP welfare Tips from colleagues: question pool, three hours, 80 questions 3. Mike: Hands-on for SAP BTP Topics for certifications may varies Already passed some certifications, charging the cost center Hands-on can be found on the SAP developer portal (community?
Agenda for our next (also the last) two sessions: Pracice
Build the Buddy system for the 90-day life
Feb 3, 2020 (Week 1) Duration: 1 hour Participants: 5 - 6 people before this session: writing letters mindmap Ch12: many Checklist to fill in Agenda Part 1 (40min): Present yourself with a title and 5 min speech, half an hour or more, to find and convince another guy to be your buddy Part 2 (20min): Discuss Part 3: We choose our buddy, make a team (2 or 3 members in a team) Feb 10, 2020 (Week 2) Part 1 (40min): Present our team (the team name, describe your first starting action), 10 min, half an hour or more Part 2 (20min): Discuss Part 3: Vote for the winner team Teams Shukka & Mia (Giselle) Mike, Hongyan & Mia ?
Book 17 Chapter 13
90-day success principles Principle 1: Your mental means are your most important asset What is mental means? Mental means is your most important assets financial means: Money is nothing if doubts holding you back. When sb. posted a negative comment, i moved past it Question: What if I don’t have mental means? Question: Anybody who have strong mental means? Sales person One of my friend, a lawyer Principle 2: Focus on Being Present with Yourself, Rather than Trying to Be Perfect Example writing articles, you don’t have to make it perfect not a long articles My friend is writing articles Kickoff Jizu can make a promise to us Wait too much, but at the end you get nothing (or less) Windows laptop or macbook?
Book 16 Chapter 12
Stage by stage view Each stage includes 10 days
Stage 1: Plan and habit Revisit the end result Calendar Rough plan for 5 years or so? Mike: Learn S/4 HANA business domain knowledge, how customers use it(end result), not to get the certificate, but get to know more colleagues for this fields (more connections), can explain well when working with customers (measurement) Shuuka: tools(systems) are replaceable Stage 2: Create novelty different way to do it Brush the teeth in another way Jizu: Brush my teeth while sitting on the bed and enjoy it in the warmer bedroom Hongyan Use another side of your hand (less frequent one) Meditation: while brushing your teeth Mia: in college, walk or pack my bag during the teeth-brushing Mike: How to commute to the company, usually take bus in the morning and take metro in the afternoon, part the car a little bit far away from the company Stage 3: Take Courteous Action Focus Area 3: Serve & Succeed Stage 4: Seek out adventure Practice courage A small goal within 10 days In a different way Mia: suggestions on the dress-up Birthday gift Surprise (mike) Worry about it Make it easy Not surprise but shock Stage 5: Erase Resentment First 5 day: someone to forgive resentment for trivial quarrels with mothers Say thank you to someone I don’t like who taught a lesson critism: internship 眼高手低 (have grandiose aims but puny abilities) Make you stronger Stage 6: Embrace Spontaneity 5-second countdown Yesterday customer success summit Stage 7: Minimize Your Potential Regrets Stage 8: Practice Gratitude Show gratitude for 5 things each day (Harvard Happiness Lesson) Final exercise: Gratitude Shuuka: Living in China Families who support you no matter where they are Attachment mind-map from Shuuka: Click to browse
Book 17 Candidates
Book 17: Fiction Candidate 1: The Sense of an Ending: Julian Barnes - The Sense of an Ending (2011).pdf Julian Barnes - The Sense of an Ending -Jonathan Cape (2011).epub Buy:
Amazon Candidate 2: The Complete Maus: A Survivor’s Tale Art Spiegelman - Maus _ A Survivor's Tale_ 2. And Here My Troubles Began -Pantheon (1992).pdf Art Spiegelman - Maus_ A Survivor's Tale_ 1. My Father Bleeds History -Pantheon (1986).
Chapter 11: The Four Life Areas - Book 16: The 90 Day Life
Have Dreams that Scare You To challenge yourself. If it is very difficult but you still want it, it means it is your real dream.
To be confident enough to face Uncertainty.
Discussion: Mask has the dream to go to Mars
Cite from the book: Page 127 not to put my life on the back burner.
Page 128 It was a strange feeling of absolute clarity about what I wanted – and absolute terror at the sheer thought of it.
Book 19 Session 13
Notes Next session Homework Ch? Host Volunteer foo bar