English Reading Club

Book 20 Session 5

Session Info

  • Host: Jizu
  • Note-taking: Jizu
  • Participants:
    • Hongyan
    • Mia
    • Shuuka

Notes: Remaining Part of Part 3

  • Chapter Summary
  • Klara also asks Rick for advice on how to get to the barn some distance away, which belongs to Mr. McBain.
  • Rick’s mother Helen
  • Atlas Brookings is a college nearby that takes on a small number of unlifted kids (2%), but Rick won’t even try to get in.
  • she’ll be going in for another sitting for her portrait with the artist, Mr. Henry Capaldi
  • As we grow older, we lost
    • Curiosity
    • Imagination

Next session

  • Homework
    • First part of Chapter 4, until “I turned to him with a smile and nodded”
  • Host Volunteer
    • Jizu