English Reading Club

Book 19 Session 7

Session Info

  • Host: Shuuka
  • Note-taking: Jizu
  • Participants:
    • Hongyan
    • Mia Gong
    • Shuuka Huang
    • Grace Zou
    • Samantha Sheng


Chapter 6: Master My Stories

  • What’s making Maria Mad? p. 106
    • The worst at dialog …
    • The good at …
    • The best at …
  • Cheap shots:
    • a cheap shot a criticism or attack on someone that is unfair:
    • I think her making fun of his wife was a cheap shot.

  • How to retrace your path? p.112
    • Act: Notice your behavior
    • Feel: Get in touch with your feelings
    • Tell story: Analyze your stories
    • See/hear: Get back to the facts
  • Write it down your story
    • Write letters to your loved one
  • Watch for Three Clever Stories
    • Victim Stories “It’s Not My Fault”
    • Villain Stories “It’s All Four Fault”
    • Helpless Stories “There’s Nothing Else I Can Do”

Next session

  • Homework
    • Ch7
  • Host Volunteer
    • Samantha