English Reading Club

Book 18 Sessions 10


Session Info

  • Host: Mia/Jizu
  • Note-taking: Jizu
  • Participants:
    • Hongyan
    • Mia
    • Shuuka


Chapter 17: To Keep it Holy

  • She is in a totally new environment.
  • Will you encourage your child to talk more in a new environment?
  • As parents, we’d better not to choose friends for our child.
  • inner peace and Japanese culture (躺平)

Chapter 18: Blood and Feathers

Summary & Analysis

  • New friend: Vanessa

Chapter 19: In the beginning

Summary & Analysis

Do you think Tara had some difficulties with her relationship with Charles?

The next week, Tara drives to the nearest Walmart and buys some women’s clothing.

“We arrived at his house. Charles turned on the TV and settled onto the sofa; I perched lightly on one side. The lights dimmed, the opening credits rolled. Charles inched toward me, slowly at first, then more confidently, until his leg brushed mine. In my mind I bolted, I ran a thousand miles in a single heartbeat. In reality I merely flinched. Charles flinched, too—I’d startled him. I repositioned myself, driving my body into the sofa arm, gathering my limbs and pressing them away from him. I held that unnatural pose for perhaps twenty seconds, until he understood, hearing the words I couldn’t say, and moved to the floor.”

  • Tara learned something from her roommate
  • She is not satatified with herself.
  • Common sense is not common sense.
  • Sugguestion for girls: Keep smiling and don’t say anything.

Though Charles deeply cares for Tara, she’s unable to move their relationship to the next level out of fears, insecurities, and self-hating behaviors instilled in her by years of emotional and verbal abuse at the hands of Gene and Shawn.

Chapter 20: Recitals of the Fathers

Summary & Analysis

Charles is Tara ’s first real, true friend from “that other world”—the world her father has been trying to “protect” her from all her life.

Shawn begins calling Tara horrible nicknames like “wench,” “Wilbur,” and “nigger.” None of these nicknames are new, but now that Tara has been to college and learned about the history of slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, and racism in America, she is particularly upset by Shawn’s casual use of the word “nigger.”

  • How ignorant
  • Only my ears are different

Chapter 21: Skullcap

Summary & Analysis

The challenge from the professor


Failed and tried again

Full score to get A.

“I said it did. It was a long shot, but I was the queen of long shots. I called Charles. I told him I was coming to Idaho for Thanksgiving and I needed an algebra tutor. He said he would meet me at Buck’s Peak.”

Excerpt From: Tara Westover. “Educated.” Apple Books.

Next session

  • Homework: Finish the chapter 22 - 24
  • Host Volunteer: Shuuka