English Reading Club

Book 17 Session 6

Session Info

  • Host: Katniss
  • Note-taking: Jizu
  • Participants:
    • Jizu
    • Giselle
    • Semantha
    • Mia
    • Shuuka
    • Hongyan
    • Jeff

  • NEVER use the word retarded (offensive)
  • Downs syndrome

that life is a gift bestowed without anyone asking for it; that the thinking person has a philosophical duty to examine both the nature of life and the conditions it comes with; and that if this person decides to renounce the gift no one asks for, it is a moral and human duty to act on the consequences of that decision.

Is Adrian a hypocritical person?

Tony admired the Adrian.

Robson committed suicide.


Adrian committed suicided to show he should get punished?

Oedipus complex for Adrian

  • Voronica’s mother: Mrs Ford

She had a somewhat artistic air

Evidence ?

Even her own mother warned me against her. If I were you, I’d check things out with Mum – ask her about damage a long way back. Of course, you’ll have to do this behind Veronica’s back, because boy is that girl a control freak.

Part of me hopes you’ll have a child, because I’m a great believer in time’s revenge, yea unto the next generation and the next.

Right: fucking bastards. Except to Adrian, who listened to our denunciations, but rarely joined in. And yet, it seemed to us, he had more cause than most. His mother had walked out years before, leaving his dad to cope with Adrian and his sister. This was long before the term ‘single-parent family’ came into use; back then it was ‘a broken home’, and Adrian was the only person we knew who came from one. This ought to have given him a whole storetank of existential rage, but somehow it didn’t; he said he loved his mother and respected his father. Privately, the three of us examined his case and came up with a theory: that the key to a happy family life was for there not to be a family – or at least, not one living together. Having made this analysis, we envied Adrian the more.

Title of the book: The sense of an ending

There is accumulation. There is responsibility. And beyond these, there is unrest. There is great unrest.

For Next Session

本次没有额外reading assignment. 下周继续讨论和串联各种情节和细节,欢迎光临。



Apr 7 中午12:15,pvg12 11.4 或者线上见。
