English Reading Club

Book 17 Session 4

Session Info

  • Host: Hongyan
  • Note-taking: Jizu
  • Participants:
    • Jizu
    • Sasha

Q1: Why did Tony met his ex-wife(Magarate)? Voranica, Brother Jack Fragment from Andrian

And as the poet pointed out, there is a difference between addition and increase.

‘He took his own life’ is the phrase; but Adrian also took charge of his own life, he took command of it, he took it in his hands – and then out of them.


  • x-axis:
  • y-axis:


  • Retrospective
  • Writing


Tony met Magaret Tony met Voronica Why did Brother

Tony suspects things, sensitive

‘The Fruitcake?’

Next session

Read until

Still, she had danced. (p.115 paper book edition)

Prepare for the poster for the next book, buy the book
