English Reading Club


Notes: First part of Chapter 4 First part of Chapter 4, until “I turned to him with a smile and nodded” Klara and the Sun: Analysis & Summary for Chapter 4 - The Bibliofile (the-bibliofile.com) Next session Homework Remaining Part of Ch4 Host Volunteer Mia
Notes: Remaining Part of Part 3 Chapter Summary Klara also asks Rick for advice on how to get to the barn some distance away, which belongs to Mr. McBain. Rick’s mother Helen Atlas Brookings is a college nearby that takes on a small number of unlifted kids (2%), but Rick won’t even try to get in. she’ll be going in for another sitting for her portrait with the artist, Mr.
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Notes Scenario 1 Your kid is attending a chess class. There is an upcoming chess contest in three days. Only two kids are selected by the teacher to compete in the contest and yours is one of the them. In the parents chat group, The teacher is announcing the cancellation of the next class due to that he/she will take the two kids to the contest. The parents of other kids complain and protest that it is unfair for the teacher to make such a decision on his/her own without even informing them, and why won’t their kids be able to enter the contest.
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Notes Ch10: Yeah, But 1. Sexual or other harassment blatantly 公然的;明目张胆的;露骨的 2. My overly sensitive spouse 3. Failure to live up to agreements hypocrite 伪君子,伪善者 4. Deference to authority deference 顺从 catch-22 https://book.douban.com/subject/34434957/ inadvertently 不经意地 5. Failed trust CPR 心肺复苏? 6. Won’t talk about anything serious 7. Vague but annoying 8. Shows no initiative 9. Shows a pattern Groundhog Day https://movie.
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