English Reading Club


As voted in our wechat group with our candidate list, May 2021 , our upcoming books are: [19th book, 14 votes] Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High book summary [20th book, 14 votes] Klara and the Sun book summary [9 votes] How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk [8 votes] You Are What You Read: A Practical Guide to Reading Well, by Robert DiYanni [8 votes] A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian, by Tanika Gupta book summary
Introduction This time we will try to vote for our upcoming fictions and non-fictions candidates, and then read those which earn more than half of total votes. Where to vote Not decided yet, most likely we use WeChat Mini-app for voting. Will notify the WeChat Group as soon as the decision is made. Some criteria It should be published within the last 60 years: English changes quickly, so reading Shakespeare or classics, while good, may not be the best way to improve your English.
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Book 18: Non-Fiction Candidate 1: Educated: A Memoir by Tara Westover Tara Westover - Educated_ A Memoir-Random House (2018).epub Buy: Amazon E-book Preview SAP Sharepoint 持续更新的下一本书意向清单,欢迎随时添加: SAP Excel Online
Location Floor 11, PVG12 Inventory Excel Online Other resources SharePoint
Build the Buddy system for the 90-day life Feb 3, 2020 (Week 1) Duration: 1 hour Participants: 5 - 6 people before this session: writing letters mindmap Ch12: many Checklist to fill in Agenda Part 1 (40min): Present yourself with a title and 5 min speech, half an hour or more, to find and convince another guy to be your buddy Part 2 (20min): Discuss Part 3: We choose our buddy, make a team (2 or 3 members in a team) Feb 10, 2020 (Week 2) Part 1 (40min): Present our team (the team name, describe your first starting action), 10 min, half an hour or more Part 2 (20min): Discuss Part 3: Vote for the winner team Teams Shukka & Mia (Giselle) Mike, Hongyan & Mia ?
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Book 17: Fiction Candidate 1: The Sense of an Ending: Julian Barnes - The Sense of an Ending (2011).pdf Julian Barnes - The Sense of an Ending -Jonathan Cape (2011).epub Buy: Amazon Candidate 2: The Complete Maus: A Survivor’s Tale Art Spiegelman - Maus _ A Survivor's Tale_ 2. And Here My Troubles Began -Pantheon (1992).pdf Art Spiegelman - Maus_ A Survivor's Tale_ 1. My Father Bleeds History -Pantheon (1986).
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